It’s been an exciting weekend with paving happening on Phase 1, extending from the Bulkley River Bridge to Laidlaw Frontage Road. Paving started at the switchbacks up the hill from the old Par 3 golf course on Friday. The incredible crew, headed up by Project Manager Allan Kindrat of WSP, worked through the weekend to complete the entire length of Phase 1 by Sunday afternoon. Cycle 16 is grateful to all of the workers! It looks AMAZING!
There is much work to be done yet. The crews will be back on the trail this week, doing some of the shovelling hand work, installing guardrails, bollard placement, signage and many other details to fully finish Phase 1. They are working hard to get as much as possible done before the cold weather sets in. Kudos to this great team!
There has been a lot of excitement about the pavement and people are anxious to ride on it. LB Paving Management reminds us that the trail is still an active construction site and that people should stay off the trail during construction hours, which are roughly from 7 am to 7 pm. The Regional District of Bulkley Nechako (RDBN), who are the owners of the trail, remind us that the trail is not open and that there are many safety hazards such as missing guardrails and lack of shoulders. For these reasons, Cycle 16 does not endorse using the trail yet and appreciates everyone’s patience until work is complete.
Cycle 16 is grateful to the community at large for all of the support to get the trail to this stage.
A reminder of our AGM meeting next week. Our AGM meetings tend to be brief and we welcome everyone to attend. We are very proud of our accomplishments to date and look forward to sharing them with you.
Cycle 16 AGM
Oct 25, 2022 7:00 PM
Join us at:
Meeting ID: 823 3356 0743
Passcode: bikes
The Board consists of 9 directors. Currently, there are 8 directors and one vacant position. If you, or someone you know is interested in serving on this very exciting board, please contact President, Allan Cormier at info@cycle16.ca
Financials included in the previous newsletter were from a previous year. Apologies for the confusion. The current financial reports, which will be reviewed at the AGM, are listed at the end of this newsletter.